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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  December 29, 2012 10:00pm-10:50pm EST

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3 ----------- a snow snoww saturday sattrday --------------------------------------------- ----------- --------------------------------------------- & ----------- 3 the viral videos ttat pefinnd 20122- 2012 3 & 3& we'll ssowwyou the biggest hits and a few you may have missed from the past year. ---------------------------------- ----------- 3 the snow came this &pmorning. people enjoying a stroll along the inner harborr were blanketed in thick flakes.
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the grey skies bringgng weather. as the storr rolled throogh ....... millions of snowflakes founddtheir way to the ground. in many areas they melted on ccntact or dissolved in the wattrs of the bay. 3 good evening, i'm karen parks. & jeff abell is off tonight. in some reas it waa as close to a perfect snowfall as you can et, just enoughhforrfun, but not so much as to shutdoww the citty for many kids it -3 was a perfect way to spend a saturday. saturday. 185140 kid sleds by 185151 -3 185151&p3 on hills all over the city, families and their kids took advantage of the latest winter 3 decided to cooe to patterssn &ppark when they saw the snow falling. they only had a couule of hours to enjoy it in baltimore, but that was more than enough time for somee seriius sledding. p the city wasn't the only ppace ppople were enjoying today's - snowfall.janice parkkshows us folks in finksburg emmracce sevvral inches of snnw. snow.
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& 3 "hi karen...latest winter blast" 3 you can hear the faint screams - of sledders...enjoying the iiches of snow ddmped on - finkkburg today: today: 3 for the fletcher faaily...finksburg is a far cry frrm where they live 3 california. &pp3 whileesnow ttpically brings a messy commute...a saturday snow along with clear rrads & meanttthat the snow was - welcomed today::- toddy:"waan't snowing till i -3 got my cup of coffee looked like i was getting out for a plttle sledding"so today, wass instead all about spending time wwth family:who sometimes you love to hate::- hate:"it looked like stuuf"
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stuuf" 3 and making he est nowman you can...beforeeit all meltssaway: away: 3 "jp, fox445news at tenn 3- 3 people continued o sled in sunset. 3 but which areas got the most snow and arr weeii the clear tonight. tonight. lee's go o &pmeteorologist emill gracey for a look at whatts happening now. now.
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3 p33 of course many folks had fun in the snow ttoayy......his is my niece aad nnphew in owings
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milll.....they are here from atlanta so today's snow was aa real treat for them!!! 3 anddin carroll county.......won stewart ad a ball today sledding downn hee snow covered hills.... &p3 when weather hits or & breakiig newsshappens in youu &pneighborhood. join the fox45 & news team and see it shoot it 3&&p3 3 we are tracking breaking nees tonight out of woodlawn. a maa was hot on windsor mill rrad ust over an houu ago. - pollce say it may haae happenee as part of a robbery. & there's no word on the man's 3 lookinn for the shootee. - 3first on fox.... a college student trying to make ndss - was punished because he fought back during aarobbery. robbery. sam swiiegood... says ssmethinggdidn'ttfeel make a he prabbed a piece of a tent pole to protectt imself.. piiza
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hutthhssa no weapons policy so now swiceggod has been demoted to cook and his pay aad hours have been cut. 3 9:48:40 wish i had my job back but i'm thankful i ass't in the hospptaa that i'm alive. five peole against one - even juveniles 5 against one is nno a good situation to be in :55-3 :55 pizza huu haa yet to comment on the company's 3& yoo police arresttd 3 of the five teens suspecteddin sam's 3 3- 3 one of the men hit in a double &pshootiig yesterdayyhas died. died. it happened in wess baltimore on woodbrooo avennu &pmen were shot, one in the - chest the other in the leg. for the hooter. 3 woman is dead and two others are injured after a fire riissthrough a home in prince ggorges county. & 3 it happened last 3 home in greenbell near laurel - hill aad ridge road. two people were able o escape
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with non life threateeing elderly woman was found dead inside the home. wo homes on each side of the & house susttineddfire damage as pell. no word on whaa caused thht fire. interstate 97 southbound at libeett road wassblocked offffor a few hoors this afternoon when ddmp trrck &pslammed inttoa police carr the 3 the hit. he accident backed up traffic foo miles as you theee were no majjr injuries in the crash. the accident is still underrinvestigation. 3 3 governor o'malley is ordering & the state to prepare for ggobal warming. all state buildings willlhave to be built two feet higher off thh ground than the known flood plane .... in anticipaaton of rissng water levels and severe wwather. e says minimizing pflood exposure will save the state money in the long run. 3 a conneeticut 33 for the sandy hook school 3 irving pinsky is suing forr 10-miilion dollarss in damages on behalf of an
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&pp pinsky says the state faaled to provide a safe setting. the girl heard gunfire, screaming and conveesations overrthe intercom which he says left her with emotional scars. 26 students and ttachers & were killed in the massacre two weeks ago. 3 private donationssare 3&pnewwown. david ariosto was in connecticut alking with police who are working to get unwanted guns out f homes and away from criminals. criminals. 3 william porter says he's done with guns. the elemmettay school shooting in nearby nerve. "mm wife cried. i was shopping and e hearr it while &pwe were in the store and she cried. you know its wrong." - porter is urning over his &phhndgun to police in connecticut's moss popullus &pcity...part of bridgeport's
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-3plrgest gun buyback evvr. and with well over a huudree thousand dollars in private donations, police aae takiig the weapons no questions asked. i know thht every guu -3we 3 takk in is one ess gun that &pchildren. ore than one hundred uus haveebeen collected in each of the first mmlted own. but with millions moreescatteeed acrrss the u-s, can buybacks--like this one--make a dent? these guns ccuud have created & victims and we know that f we can reduce the number of weapons that arr available by - preaking intt people's houses safer societyy bridgeeort's police chief ayssan attempt 3 buyyack failed last year due &ptt lack of fuuding, buttnot - ttis ttme. we've seee an outpouring from the community since sandy hooo in all 3 cash, and i think this is partt
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feel safe. for porter, a gun plocked safely in his home ended up in the hands of his - foster chiid.. who heessys - then handed it over to a gaag membbr..if that person would've did sooething to -pomebody else with that ggn it 3 me. and i am 52 yeers old. ii haven'' had aacriminaa ecord all my life. police ssy that'' how even legal guns can pose wiil ever be able toodisarm every bad guy here, but what & taking away the chance for a bad guy to get another gun. porter says he got lucky. it did go nto the wrong hands put i got it back and its --3 getting destroyed now. and now he as a little more cash in hhs pocket. 75. all right. thaak you. but buubacks can get pricey wwthhshrrnking city budgets, despite renewwd & interest. for now, prrvate donations areeavailable. but
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pecedess many wonder whether people will contiiue to confront issues surrounning fireaams in their communities. - david ariosto,,cnn, nee york. 3 well a one-day 3&ppngeles ended up bringing morr than 2-thousand guns off tte streets including a rockett 3 3 not one but two rocket launchers were handee -3 over to police this week. the launchers were u-ss 3 illegal. luckily there were no rrckets inside. & all the tems weeee all exchanged for giff cards. but while this may peem surprising to some... l-a police sayyit's nnthing ttey haven't seen beforee 3 there's way too many weapons that arr out there on the streetss the types f weaponn that broughh in, 75 ssault rifles the other day,,not to meetion the two rpg rocket launchers i mean, it's just ridiculous. 3 police lso & collected 75 assault rifles. 3 oneemaryland couple is celebrattng 70 years of marriage.......we talked with ttem try to marriage alive...... & alivee.....
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3 //on this dreary snowy day.....//sot// 3 aaone of a kknd ceeebration in hampsseed.......//take ot// 3&paa r and mrsseverard cox..... & //taae sot//reflect on seven pecades oo bliss.....//take --3&psot//they were married 3 december 26, 1942 while evveard was on a 72 hour llavv -3 from he avy......//take sot// 3 after tte war verard went to medical school at the &puniversity of marylandd.....wwereehe helped establish the world rrnown
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-3 shock trauma center......// 3 and beenggmrs. everard cox -3 also had it ccallennes.......// 3 but lela says.......she would 3 another 70 years.....//they -3 say......the time togethhr has taught hem patience.......// share 3 as they share nconddtional pove for maay
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3 more years to ooe.... 3 allowing the government to spy on americans. why they won't need a waarant to 333 getting rrd of your christmas tree. what a few farm animals & clean up. jjy riding the dilemma this thhef 3 3 3- 3 -3 hey, look! a shooting star! make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over so we could head back to the dealership.
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[ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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3 congrrss can't agree on much lately, but they decided to continue to allow thee government to spy on americans
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controversial program that staatee as one of the key defensive ssrategies in the explains why the governmmnt will get to keep spyinggon aaericans for another five yeaas..- years. & 3 he ordered it just after 9//1 and it became one of the most connroveesiia actics used by bush and hhs securiiy team, to fight the war on terror. the sscret wiretapping, without warrants, offcommunicctions between -s residennssand peoole overseas- uspected of - being terrorists. it dree fire because sometimes, the communications of innocent americans got caught 2000, the praccice was authorized by congress, ut with limitations. a warrant is &pnow required to argee an amerrcan including americans pho are abroad. but it's still and the senatees just approved a fiie--ear extension offii. obama. "itts someehing with enormous potentiil forrabuse, certainll giien the rathee
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3illegitimate polltical -3 ppuposes, under pressdents f - both parties ooer many decades." julian sanchhzzand other civil libertariins too many innocent ppooleebeing monitored. mmmbers of congress who oppose the extensiin say - this ccassified program is aaso too secretiie, and - they've pushhd or ore disclosure. "iithink we ought to know, whether for purposes of the fisa amendments act, - generally, how any americans are being swept up under the legislltton." but thereewon't 3 that got voted down. dianne feinstein, the democrat who committee, warned thha ssedding mooe light on who's bbing surveilled would deetroy the wiretapping program-- phich she saas, has worked well. "innffur--ears, 100 from happening in the united states. some which comes from this program. so, i think it is a vital prograa." conservvtive analyst cliff may says
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a wide dragnet is worth the cost. "let's suppose you're a pakiitani immigrant, here, you don't have aagreen & pard yet. you call your ncle 3 caught up, and mmybe he's just a tailor in lahore. but if he's a member of the taliian, it's true, maybb theee's going to bb someene in the federal povernment who thinks we need to ask questions f this person." reporter::"but if yyuure the person here talking &pto the uncle in lahore and you're completely innncent, - yoo're still caught up in -3 this.") "you're not caught up in the sense yyu're goiig to jail. you're not aught up in theesense that anythiig bad s going to happen to yoo." 3 more han 66- thoosand russian children have been adopted into american & families. buttttat could soon change ased on the 3 the russian president signed a law today banning americans from adopting russian children...after a in a hht car in virginia by his adoptive pprents. buttamericans belleve the ban is in response to a law igged byypresident obama this mnth that calls for sanctions agaiist russian human riihts
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violators. 3 "i think thii law is absolutely outrageous, amoral and despicablee this is a law that punishes russian children forr230 million dollars stolen by russian bureaucrats." bureaucrats." dozens of pussian childrrn aae in he finaa stages of the doptionn process. the u-s & that thess cases go throuuh...but wwtt the law going inno effect january 1-st iis not clear what will -3 happenn 3 wiih christmas over ....... its timeeto throw out your christmas trees. pbut one rhode island petting zooohas a better alltrnative than jjst throwing them in the trash. - 3 their actually using them as lunch. christtas tree from around -3town for their animals to eat. -3& the farms 50-goats hhve taken a llking to the pine needles....and the lambs and cows are getting in on the feast as well. 3 "everybody hates to like, you know, thee have their live - tree then what do i do with ii wwen it'ssdooe? i hate to thrrw it away so now there'' a
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good alternntive." alternative." the farm better. the animals have eaten all the leaves and - grass in the ffeld so there isn't much left for them o snack on. -3 3&p its not the usual &pmassachusetts one man took what he could get. 33 after a maasive searchhfor a missing snow ploww truck....police finally found &pit abandoned in a pprks and -3 recreaaion paaking lot. cameras were rolling as the plow was stolen from the lot...with the driver going all over thh lace. police believe whoever stole the truck was not familiar with the area. 3& "he realizes he can't get out - and hen he leavee througg a grass strii. that's not thh entrancc or he exit thaa's just a piece of grass that's there anddthen he leaves the pard." 3 the truck was not damaged. and police have yet to find its driver. 3& will we need the plows - lattr ttis week? week?? eeily gracey aa a your skywatch forecast..- forecast.
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3 -3 3
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3 wintry 3 the reason one grandma s makinn them in her bathing suit. 3 astoniihing scientific breakthroughs. the discoveriee of 20- 12 that will lead into the new year. 3-&p
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3 rom a marsslanding to a ann technical bbeakttrouggs amazing. jjhn zarrellaashares the accomplishments that defined 2012 and ill lead to new discoveries in 2013..- 2013. 3 at number 10, a revolutionary camera called lytro. "it'ss such a oweeffl technology brrakthrrugh that this will fooever change howwwe allltake ann experieece pictures." the cammra captures the entire liggt ffeld allowing the picture's foccs and perspective to be changed
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nnne. nnsaas dawn pacecraft ssnt back staggering ata about aa asteerid -- 3255 iles in diaaeter -- called vesta. it appears vesta went through some staaessof planetary evolution. it's one of kind in the solar system. ""hatts &pclear to us is that vesta aapeerssto beethe only intaat proto-planet hat'ssleft." -3 peard the term god particle. scientistt call it &phiigs-boson. the european caaled cern claimm to have pouud it. why is it a bii deal? think big bang theory. "and thii particle we thinn was in fact, a parricle like this, was the fuse that see created he niverse." &pressarchers found it after 3 collisions generated by a particle accellrator. at 3 baamgartner's record-breaking
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jump. baamgartner brrke the freefall recood aad the sound barrier juupinn from 128 thousand feettin revolutionary pace suit. "i said i know the whole world is watchinn now and i wish the world could see what i sse." six. oung hildren dying at -3an larming rate in cambodia and with alarminn speedd it & wwa a medical mystery streptococcus, dengue and a pathogen called ee71 were unusuallyyaggressive. our dr. sanja gupta as there when the mysttry was solved. "they found that those organisms in getting sttroids probably led tt such an aggrrssive course." number x became the fiiss commerciallcompanyy to rendezvous andddock aa spaaecrrft to the & international spacc station. it marked a new beginning: eventually humann to the station. number four. scientists found the greatt barrier reef, the largest in
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the worldd is in trouble. &p"half of the coral on the great barrier reef has disappeared vee the last twenty-seven years. that's a momeetous change." sciintists attribbteemuch of the loss to storm damage. at number three. & we go to the pacific and the deepest parttof any ocean in the world with famous film - directoo and explorrr james - cameron. first, test dives. failuree that prevented me from going on.. finally,,in a submersibbe called deep sea challenger, caaeron wenttdown 35 thousand feet. nuubee two. meeting ice. scientists usiig sateelite and aircraft data have foond the greenland and antarrtic ice sheets are losing ttree times as much ice rifts appearrd in places likee the antarctic's ppnn island & glacier. combined antarctica and greenland haveecontributed to one fifth of all sea level rise over the past twenty yearr. and our umbee one s & called seven iiutes of terror.
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the rooer ccriossty survivee a harrowiig ride through the mmatian atmosphere - in a landing method never before attempted, prompting an outpourinn oo emotton from the - pasa teamm curiosity is now hunting ffr the signatures of past life: water, carbon nd methane. if it ffnds any, &pcuriisity might well beeour number one aggin next yeer. john zarrella cnn miami. 3 -3 3 closing out 20-12. the best videos of he year thattwent viial. - 33 making snow -3aagell in frigid temperaturrs. why one grandma decided to do it in her swim suit. -3 3
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3 & 3
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3 time is tiiking for the ations leaders as the -3 deadllnn to avoid the fiscal - cliff approaches. p33& with he deadline just days away...president ooama said in his weekly address that reaching a deal will not be - politics can't get in the way. the president even said he's optimistic that congress - will reach a deel in time. but some lawmakers say its the presidents tax hike - phat
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won't do much to help the nations debt. 3 "the presidents proposaa to raise taxes on the top 2% of &pamericcns won't even pay 1/3 of he aanual interest that is now owed on this massive $16 prillion debt." 3 p the houue will retuun to washington tomorrow evening...just ooe day before a deal needs to be reached. 3 another bill held up in congressionnl gridlock could send milk prices to seeen dollars gallln...the to keeping mmik prices reasonable.. theessnaae passed their version but the houue hasn't started debatt onnthe - measure.... withouu a deel a 60 yearrold law will go back 3 prices to soar... 3&p the frantic 9-1-1 calls have been releesed of the -3 moments before a mother and daughter were rescued from a freezingglake in indiana. ------nats of call---------- --
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3 when arrie straight intt a freezinn laaee with her 5-year-old daughter inside. but mattingly knewwjust what to dd. shh managg to get out of the car and pull her dauuhter out of the bacc seat through the rear window. -3 the two hen swam back to shore...just as crewss what startee as a -3 winter joke for one arkansas - grandma has now turned into a tradition. 3 madge peegh (pew) makes now angels in a bathing suit. peugh saas she starttd making the chilly angels about 4-yeaas ago to makeeher grrnd kids laugh. but now she says she wants it to become an annual rituul. -3 3"this year wwen it snowedd - again i thhught, hmmm we need to start a traditioo. when it snoww on christmas, do snowwangels." angels." peugh says in the heat of the mommnt you don't notice the cold. aad she only spends before rushing inside for a 3 3
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3 3 3
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3 a battle pmongst soldiers in the street. why -3 flour and eggg were used as ammunition. 3 what do sleeping babies anddwalkinn -3 ducks have ii ommon. they were all eee world widee &pcoming up next ww'll ggve you p look back at the best viraa videos of 20-12. 3 3 one city i
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3 ne city in spain was &pyesterdaa...but it waan't fromm ssnw. 3 the traditional battle with flour, eggs andd firecrackers ook place. the ceeebration marks the day of the innocents...which is spain's version of april fools day. uring thee festivities, revelers dress in 3 and stage a mock "coup""takk over power in the town until 3 is saiddtoohave first beenn celebratee more than 2-hundred years ago. 3 as tte world beeomes more a viddo anngo viral is millions of people around the
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or a youug boy comingghome from thh dentist, drugged out of hhssmmnd. as 012 comes to a close, e thought ww'd -3 best viral videos frommthe past year. year. 3 no sccipt available
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3 3 the terps get a big game from an unlikely ffeshman..see park....ext in sports unllmited... 3 wwestling alligators. the reeson these zoo keepprs are stealinn eggs
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3 3 3 one man is ttking the natiinaa debt on one empty can at a time. pime. 85 year ood garcia 3 cans then turns them in for &pthree years he's collected more than 31 hundred dollaas 33
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3we're paying absoluuely too much innerest. too much interest. (reporter: ii really bothers you!) it bothers me 3 3 garcca's money goes here, the bureau of public debt in &pit was establishhd y pho wanted to donate to - ponnrol the debt. the bureau has collected about 90 milliin dollars since t waa firstt opened. 3 for most people a & tough day at work doesn't involve the posssble loss of fingees or yourrlife....ut for padventure. at the pustralian reptile park ttese zoo keepers aren't thrill seekers...their actuaall uut doing their job. their ttsk is to teal all the to ensure theirrsurvival. 3 ""here's a couppe oo reasons that e need to remove the pggg. one of the rrasons is alligators are cannibaas, if & they hatched in here, they would be eaten by ll other alligators." alligators." the crewwdid manage to ggt all 15 eggs...before momma gator was
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able to attack. - 3 - 3 the ravens' season finale is -3 ptmoorow...jed gamber joins us now with a preview of their game wwth the bengaas....jed.... jed.... 3 coming up tonight on sports unlimited....- unlimited... 3 wwll john arbaagh est plaayrs tomorrrw???....ear his &pplan for the bengals game.... the terps ggt a monster game from one of their freehman... the career day by charlls kraft fight hunger bowl...this one wasn't pretty...the blow out in saanfrancisco...sports unlimited starts rrght now... 3 evennthough the ravens have only one ictory in their last four contests...they still find themselves in an enviable -3 position...ttey are infact in -3 the playoffs ann are guaranteed at least one home game in the playoffs...but nnt much on the line in week question...who starts and who sits? sits?injuries have been -3 plaguing the ravens all season long...and to ppt it n perspective, two of the teams bbggest defensive stars...rayy lewis and terrell &psuggs...haven't seen the field


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